Wednesday, June 22, 2011

[Peckers_Pics] Male/Gay Health-Discussion-PICS Model Wars-Jun 23, 2011-Countdown w/Keith Olbermann-Current TV (M-F) 8PM EST

Model Wars-PICS-Health-News-Jun 23, 2011-
Safe PICS For All Ages/
Support Keith Olbermann's show "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" - new on "CURRENT TV" (air's nightly @ 8 PM EST (Mon - Fri). About time - as we need progressive un-censored news! Replays at 11 PM Eastern and 2 AM Eastern.

Alert: Target + Minnesota Forward + Tom Emmer = Support for a rather dangerous and radical political philosophy that diminishes LGBT people to pests that should be murdered. And "Target" is cool with this? ...Now Target is suing the LGBT community for their peaceful demonstrations in front of their stores. ....Our answer: BOYCOTT "TARGET"

Consider joining:

Diet & Fitness:

  • Reminder: Did you complete your Diet Journal today?
  • Did you do any physical activity? If not, make a point of it by tomorrow!
  • Perhaps our male fitness photos shall inspire you to get Fit!
Health - Wellness - Exercise - Reflections:
High Court to Mull HIV Disclosure Damages Suit

By BARBARA LEONARD - June 20, 2011 - Courthouse News Service

(CN) - A group of federal agencies convinced the Supreme Court on Monday to review a decision that gives an HIV-positive man the chance to claim damages from the government for sharing information about his medical status.

Stanmore Cawthorn Cooper sought damages from the Federal Aviation Administration, Social Security Administration and Department of Transportation in a federal complaint alleging that the agencies impermissibly exchanged information about Cooper's HIV status, without his consent, as part of a joint criminal investigation.

Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker, now retired, had originally dismissed the complaint on summary judgment, finding that the Privacy Act allows recovery only for pecuniary damages. Cooper sought for the alleged offense and for the humiliation that the disclosure caused him.

FAA regulations used to refuse airman medical certificates to HIV positive pilots who were taking antiretroviral medications. When Cooper, a licensed pilot since 1964, was diagnosed with the virus in 1985, he began taking the medication, grounded himself and did not attempt to renew his medical certificate for nine years.

Beginning in 1994, however, Cooper obtained an FAA medical certificate without disclosing his status or medication intake, and he renewed that certificate without making the same disclosure over the next decade. He has explained that he withheld this information because he feared he would face discrimination as a gay man with HIV.

Cooper disclosed his status to Social Security in 1995, however, because his symptoms had worsened and needed long-term disability benefits.

In 2004, however, Cooper attracted the attention of the Department of Transportation and Social Security, which had launched a joint investigation focused on Northern California called Operation Safe Pilot to uncover efforts by medically unfit individuals to obtain FAA certifications to fly. The investigation was conducted through each agency's Office of Inspector General.

Since Cooper was FAA certified and receiving Social Security benefits, he became a person of interest for investigators, who looked through Cooper's medical file to answer their suspicions.

When confronted in 2005, Cooper confessed to deceiving the FAA. The agency revoked his pilot certificate, and the government charged him with three counts of lying to a federal agency. Cooper pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor the following year, earning him two years probation and a $1,000 fine.

In 2007, however, Cooper filed the lawsuit at hand. Walker dismissed the complaint, but the 9th Circuit revived it in February 2010, finding that the Privacy Act allows plaintiffs to claim damages both pecuniary and nonpecuniary damages.

Justice Elena Kagan, a former solicitor general, did not participate in the court's consideration or decision of the government's petition.
Take Action:
  • Update: DADT has been repealed. President Obama has kept his promise!
  • Boycott Bill O'Reilly and FOX News and their advertisers. Bill discussed a French commercial by McDonalds that was meant to show that McDonalds is Gay Friendly. Bill said what is next? Is McDonalds going to be Al-Qaida friendly as well? Imagine - Bill O'Reilly compares Gays to Al-Qaida! In conclusion, O'Reilly expressed out-right Hatrad of the LGBT Community.
  • Boycott Arizona the home of "hater" - U.S. Senator John McCain. Arizona's Hateful anti-Immigration Law - encourages racial profiling and increases hatred towards minorities. A remedy: Demand Republicans to support Immigration Reform (The Dream Act). Further, Senator McCain voted against ending DADT and Blocked Immigration reform!
  • Boycott Target, Best Buy, Gold's Gym - for donating money towards anti-gay political candidates/organizations. Update: (12/26/2010): Target is continuing to donate to anti-gay groups/causes/politicians. Update 03/08/11 - Lady Gaga Ends Target Partnership, Reportedly Over Target's Poor LGBT Stance. Update 3/25/2010 - Target displays their hypocrisy and Sues California Gay Rights Group for Lobbying Outside Stores. Target is attempting to block the LGBT right of free speech! STOP SHOPPING AT TARGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update 4/8/2011: Target lost it's case to stop the LGBT from canvassing in front of their stores. A huge PR Disaster for TARGET! Perhaps Target should go out of business as they betrayed their investers and customers. Target contributed massive funds to a politician who would like to exterminate gays. Now, Target can not stop us from Boycotting them, nor picketing, nor talking to customers near their stores; although, Target allows a anti-gay company such as the Salvation Army to stand outside their door and speak with customers and raise money. Isn't this a double standard? Perhaps TARGET would better understand the issue if they cared about David Kato - Uganda, who was slain because he is gay! That is because Uganda wants to kill gay people. Again, TARGET invested in a political candidate that would Kill the Gays!
  • End DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). Prevents Federal employees and Gays in the Military from gaining equal benefits. Prevents Gay Partners from gaining equal benefits.
  • Pass ENDA (Employee Non-Discrimination Act). ENDA would prevent employment discrimination of LGBT workforce.
  • Boycott Salvation Army as they will not hire Gays! "DO NOT DONATE TO THEM."
  • BOYCOTT "Chick-fil-a" for donating to anti-gay marriage groups.
  • BOYCOTT KOCH INDUSTRIES PRODUCTS- to include their products: Angel Soft toilet paper / Brawny paper towels / Dixie plates, bowls, napkins & cups / Mardi Gras napkins and towels / Quilted Northern toilet paper / Soft 'n Gentle toilet paper / Sparkle napkins / Vanity fair napkins / Zee napkins / Georgia-Pacific paper products & envelopes / All Georgia-Pacific lumber & building products (INVISTA Products) / Lycra / Stainmaster Carpet. The billionaire - Koch brothers are ultra republican - tea bag founders/supporters that do not support causes of the LGBT community.
  • Boycott WALMART - The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, force criticized Wal-Mart for denying employee benefits to same-s-x partners and for failing to prohibit discrimination based on gender identity. By comparison, the group said two other chain stores with a strong presence in New York, Costco and Walgreens, did much better.
  • NEW: "Tune Out Trump", Boycott all Trump Hotel, casinos, holdings, The Apprentice and NBC Network! At CPAC, Trump said he is considering a run for president as a Republican. In a interview with the Des Moines Register, Trump added that he opposes all forms of legal recognition for gay couples, not just marriage. "They should not be able to marry," he said. So why does NBC keep the Apprentice when Donald Trump has stated he may run for president? After making racist remarks about Obama and recv'g public backlash, Trump decided not to run for president after NBC renewed his awful TV Show. How can NBC renew the clown's show after he pulled all such low-class shenanigans? Boycott NBC! Boycott advertisers of The Apprentice and Trump's other business's. Don't shop at any bullding with Donald Trump's name to include Trump Hotels, Casinos, Condo's, Offices, Shops! The Donald has expressed extreme Hatred towards gays and blacks with his birther remarks and anti-gay rhetoric. Remember how poorly Trump treated Rosie O'Donnel? Now we know why he did that! It was hate against a lesbian as we now know he is biget. Unforgiveable! Dump NBC because they re-newed Donald Trump's "The Apprentice"! NBC, Really? Update June 1, 2011: Trump now claims that Obama's long form, original birth certificate is fake. And NBC keeps this hater? NBC, You Kidding Us?

And Now, Model Wars!

This group is called "Peckers Pics." The English - slang definition of "pecker" is to pluck at the truth. Therefore, we peck at items such as Gay Men's Health, Male Fitness, Gay (LGBT) Politics & Issues. In this section you may peck at each photo in order to decide the winner of the "war of the fittest!" Whereas, who is the model that may inspire you to exercise and "get fit?" Warning: This may stoke you!

Your participation in discussion of health / news articles - appearing in this message is greatly appreciated.
You Decide!
Southern Maine Pride. June 18th, 2011. Portland, Maine
Edmonton Pride, Alberta, Canada; June 11, 2011
Super Stoked?
Wilton Manors Pride, Ft Lauderdale, Florida, USA; Jun 19, 2011
Acutely Stoked?
Wilton Manors Pride, Ft Lauderdale, Florida, USA; Jun 19, 2011
Dangerously Stoked?
Wilton Manors Pride, Ft Lauderdale, Florida, USA; Jun 19, 2011
Former Gay Rights Protesters Now Set To Support Obama And Democrats
Sam Stein - May 22, 2011 - Huffington Post

NEW YORK -- With President Barack Obama set to travel to New York City for a high-profile LGBT fundraiser gala on Thursday and the state of New York likely poised to pass a same-sex marriage bill around the same time, the potential for tension or simply good-old-fashion heckling seems high.

But in surveying a host of gay rights activists and donors, it seems increasingly clear that -- while there remains tremendous disappointment over the speed of Obama's continued "evolution" on gay marriage -- his relationship with the community is in fairly good shape.

One metric: When the Democratic National Committee hosted an LGBT fundraiser nearly two years ago to the day, the prevailing narrative surrounded who exactly would protest. Thursday, two of the three people who conspicuously skipped that event -- either out of moral objection or a longstanding policy against donating to committees -- will play a supporting role. The third is a DNC treasurer who was not available for comment.

David Mixner, the New York City-based author and gay rights activist, will be in attendance when Obama takes the stage at the Sheraton Hotel. Back in June 2009, he vocally criticized the DNC event after the Department of Justice filed a legal brief in support of the Defense of Marriage Act. It called the policy "good for the federal budget" and compared "incest" with gay marriage. With Justice having abandoned its defense of DOMA, and with Obama having successfully pushed a number of pro-gay initiatives –- chief among them the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell –- he has happily changed his tune.

"I'm attending tomorrow," he told The Huffington Post. "I didn't raise any money, but I wanted to show that -- even though I'm being a real hard-ass on marriage -- I support the president."

Mixner, whose writing often reflects the disappointed conscience of the gay rights community, said he has noticed a "sea change" in how the administration has approached LGBT issues. Informal polls on his blog used to registered 70 percent disapproval with the president's job performance as recently as the fall of 2010. One month ago, he said, there was 70 percent who rated the job being done as "good or excellent."

It's not just activists who are warming up to Obama in the lead up to the presidential campaign. The institutional gay-rights community is getting behind the president's reelection push as well. Obama's advisers are acutely aware of the fundraising prowess of LGBT donors, and they've catered their outreach to reflect that demand.

The thawing of the relationship, however, has worked both ways. The Democrats are back to courting the LGBT community, as well.

Alan Van Capelle, formerly the executive director of the Empire State Pride Agenda and now a deputy in the New York City Comptroller's office, did not attend the DNC fundraiser in 2009. It was, he told The Huffington Post, not due to the DOMA brief, though he did object to it. Rather, it was because he refused to help raise money for the Democratic Party, which then could use those funds to support candidates that opposed LGBT rights.

A year ago, he changed his policy. "This is the first time I've done it," he told The Huffington Post. "Because it is this president, I have confidence about giving to the DNC where I haven't before."

Not everyone in the gay rights community has been so readily persuaded by what Obama has managed to accomplish. His slow, public "evolution" on marriage has produced its fair share of ridicule -- so confident is virtually everyone around the White House that the president secretly supports the cause. There is also a gnawing anger among activists over the fact that they had to protest the president in the first place.

"We had to beat the bejesus out of him to get what we got," said John Aravosis, a prominent activist and blogger. "We had to beat up the president to get him to move. He pretended he would be our fierce advocate, and then they got into the White House and said, 'Uh, we don't have to do what we discussed.'"

"It was all B-list stuff that should have happened day one," he added. "On the big stuff, we shouldn't have had to beat them up to get them to move forward."

But the president did, eventually, move. And the LBGT community as a result of that -- or other compelling political pressures -- is now poised to reward him.

"Look," said Mixner, "what are my options? Michelle Bachmann? Rick Perry in Texas who is going to pray for the family council down in Texas? I don't think so. Let's be practical here."
Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges."

Important Notice: Our ObamaBiden2008 Group works hand - in - hand with Peckers PICS (Both groups were co-created to work with each-other). To prevent duplication of articles and questions, all members of this group are expected to join ObamaBiden2008. It is unfair for members that belong to both groups to hear members of just Peckers PICS (only) to make statements when the ObamaBiden2008 has covered such topics in detail. Therefore, members need to join ObamaBiden2008 immediately. This shall clear up communications and confusion. The LGBT cause is too important and beyond 1 person's need to just look at pictures. Therefore, please join ObamaBiden2008 now. No you don't have to read every article! But, it covers the LGBT community and includes updates on Health insurance; LGBT boycott list; Westboro Church; and the end of DADT, etc...Also, updates with the multi - state gov't's war against unions and people with disabilities. The group is created for you! There are gay teen suicides going on. There are Hate crimes against gay people. There are gays who are fired over their sexual identity. There are gay people who died for our cause! You always reserve the right to remove yourself from all my groups if you do not appreciate this request. I have done everything I can and now it is time for you to step up! My Groups are for Yahoo members who sincerely care about LGBT rights and Gay Mens Health! Please Join Now!



All members of "Peckers PICS" are requested to join our "Obama Biden 2008" group as it runs in conjunction to this group.  Both groups shall not repeat articles from one group to another.  However, to gain full knowledge of Gay rights, members must belong to the Obama group as well as this group.  Therefore, please accept your invitation to join. 

To join the Obama group please click (or copy and paste the link into your browser) @

Thank you!

"Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges."

...Jake (Moderator)

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