Saturday, May 5, 2012

Re: [Peckers_Pics] Male/Gay Health-Discussion-PICS Re: Male/Gay Health-Discussion-PICS More pics from my camera test.


Very nice man!  I went to MCRD San Diego as well  but I was there  in  1994  ... I had always known I was gay.. and for some dumb reason.. I thought Marines were hot.. and thought they would make a "Man" of me and make me str8 ...  was I wrong.. I must have been the only Top on base.. I saw more ass than a toilet seat,  but it was great fun.. part of me wishes I would have stayed in ... think the last time I can recall the 3 mile for me was 18.30...   ahh to be in my 20's again  : )

On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 5:17 PM, GR Bryant <> wrote:
[Attachment(s) from GR Bryant included below]

I forgot:
When I was 20, I was in the Marines (1970-74 active, 74-76 reserve), learning how to run 3 miles in 21 minutes, trying to learn how to be a man (with many boorish and obtuse role models all around me), trying to get the male hormones going (hanging around in the gyms, going through various training), hanging around with ultra-right wing conservative types, learning how to shoot a rifle and to kill and hate, and  becoming neurotic as hell (going on meds to the present day for depression and what not). 

The last pic from 1968 was what the Marines were really about -- I wore that damn uniform for 4 years (from June 1970-1974).  50,000+ of my peers died in Vietnam wearing those green utilities

Then I watched more of my peers die around me in the 80's-90's of AIDS -- 250,000-500,000. 

Then there were the 1000's of drug overdoses in the 60's-90's -- every party you went to, every bar you went to -- if you didn't take drugs, you were a narc! 

It's a time I like to forget, but I also try to cherish my health and memorialize those who didn't get to "hang on" to life as I have.  It's also made me celibate for almost 20 years, making me go back in the closet, keeping busy with other stuff -- like the stock market, our old house, work, and helping my sister.

From: Bad Pup <>
Sent: Saturday, May 5, 2012 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Peckers_Pics] Male/Gay Health-Discussion-PICS Re: Male/Gay Health-Discussion-PICS More pics from my camera test.

wow, you guys inspire me!   I am 39  now and was in the Marines for 6 years..  I work out 6 times a week and finally getting the body i have wanted, but wow you guys sound HOT

On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 12:13 PM, GR Bryant <> wrote:
[Attachment(s) from GR Bryant included below]

When I was 30, I was finishing up 14 years in gymnastics.
When I was 35, I was doing competitive bodybuilding contests.
When I was 40, I l still looked 28, had a six-pack, and had the body of an 18 year old, according to friends.
When I was 50, I started a sedentary job and was fed a lot of free food by co-workers and an obese sister but still worked out.
When I was 60, I had a heart attack and a quadruple bypass (13 weeks ago).
Now, I just want to get  back to the gym and back to a very strict diet similar to what I was doing when I was 35 to 45.

To hell with 50 and 60 and 70!

From: Jake West <>
Sent: Saturday, May 5, 2012 2:00 PM
Subject: [Peckers_Pics] Male/Gay Health-Discussion-PICS Re: Male/Gay Health-Discussion-PICS More pics from my camera test.

HI Jakes;
Well, I believe those are very nice pics. In fact, you are very handsome as well. And a great inspriation for men of age 40.
This was a wonderful surprise for the group.
I just turned 31 and on my birthday I kept running faster, faster, faster.
Turning 40!  You will have to share  how 40 is is?  Was it as bad as 30?  When I turned 30 it was awful. 31 just made me mad.
But, I opened my Jake West  group and blogged my runnning event and that bassically took care of my 31st birthday . Should have happened on my 30th birthday.  I needed something to make me forget it.
May I ask, what do you do for aerobic activity?  Also, what about diet?
You are welcome to open a photo album in this group!

--- In, Jaco Smith <jacosmith@...> wrote:
> Hi Jake
> I'll look into the Flicker account. Thanks for all the compliments, I
> think I'm reaaly just the ave. guy next door. I'm 40 in a few days (lol).
> Workout:
> Dag 1 Biceps, Triceps, Fore arms, Abs
> Dag 2 Quads, Hams, Calves, Shoulders
> Dag 3 Chest, Lats, Traps, Back
> I do 2-3 exercises per body part and 3 to 4 sets each. I try to change
> the program every 2 weeks.
> I'm really not a gym expert but this works ok for me. Just trying to
> stay active in this crazy world!
> Have a gr8 weekend!
> Jakes
> Hi Jakes,
> is this
> Moderator: Those are nice pics. They are not me. Those are member. His
> name is Jakes. I remecommend he opens Flickr account. It is owned by
> Yahoo. It is free. He can embed the pics on the message (not attach
> them). It would be easier. Cause Yahoo does not allow attachement sto be
> stored in groups an to be sent to members emails at same time. It is one
> or the other. I have to make a choice. We do not recommend attachments.
> Naturally, all attachments are only approved when they are g rated. all
> of yours have been g rated. For Jakes: Please let us know how old you
> are and what you do for exercise. We can see you are very fit.
> Thanks,
> ...jake

Attachment(s) from GR Bryant
4 of 4 Photo(s)

Attachment(s) from GR Bryant

5 of 5 Photo(s)

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"Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges."

...Jake (Moderator)



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