Monday, July 19, 2010

Re: [TOWWFFC] MITB Results - 1/2 Point A Huge Congrats to Kane, the New World Champion!



It's about time my favorite Libertarian won the title.

From: FondyMark <>
To: TheOriginalWWFFanClub <>
Sent: Sun, July 18, 2010 8:36:36 PM
Subject: [TOWWFFC] MITB Results - 1/2 Point A Huge Congrats to Kane, the New
World Champion!

WWE Money in the Bank PPV Results
July 18, 2010
Kansas City, Mo.
Report by James Caldwell, PWTorch assistant editor

This month's WWE PPV opened with a video package containing slow-motion
shots of various wrestlers contemplating what it will take to win the Money
in the Bank ladder match. This led to fast-paced clips of various spots from
MITB matches at past WrestleManias.

Announcers: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, and Matt Striker are on the call.
Lawler said the Raw brand's MITB ladder match will occur later on, while
Smackdown's is up first. It's the Elimination Chamber formula of Smackdown
starting the PPV off with their gimmick match.

In-ring: IC champion Kofi Kingston was out first to kick off the PPV. Dolph
Ziggler, then Christian came out. Cole said Christian is his pick, so we
know he's not winning. Cody Rhodes then came out doing the Lex Luger gimmick
staring at himself in a mirror. At least it wasn't a full-length mirror.
Matt Hardy was out next as they zoomed in on a Brinks truck positioned on
the stage to sell the "money in the bank" concept. "Mr. Spraytan" Drew
McIntyre was out sixth, followed by Kane, then Big Show, who was sporting a
knee brace.


Cody Rhodes was the first person to attempt to scale the ladder, but Big
Show knocked him down to the floor. Show and Kane were left in the ring for
the battle of big men. Show knocked down Kane and he was all alone very
early in this match. Show tried to climb, but broke one of the rungs for a
comedy spot. He simply shook his head, then various men entered the ring for
Show to chop them all down. Show then went under the ring perhaps looking
for his personal ladder, but everyone ganged up on him to before ramming him
into the ring steps.

Back in the ring, McIntyre tried to scale the ladder, but Hardy knocked him
down. Hardy climbed the ladder by himself as the crowd popped, but Christian
entered the ring and knocked him down. Christian teased a climb to the
briefcase, but Hardy yanked him down. Hardy and Christian then took their TV
feud to the outside, giving Cody Rhodes an opening. Kofi made the save,
though. Kofi teased a climb, but Dolph cut him off. Dolph then got his shine
climbing the ladder. He had two hands on the case, but Christian cut him
off. Christian and Dolph traded blows on top of the ladder, then Christian
hip-tossed Dolph to the floor. Christian then tried to grab the case, but
Hardy knocked him off the ladder.

The action reset at 5:00, then Kane attempted a double chokeslam on
Christian and Hardy, but they countered into a double DDT. Hardy and
Christian then had a ladder war before Christian dropped Hardy onto a ladder
hanging over the middle rope. Hardy rolled to the outside and Christian
started climbing again, but Rhodes knocked him over the top rope onto Big
Show ringside. Back in the ring, Kane was in there by himself, but then he
took finishers from Rhodes, Kofi, and Hardy. More men teased ladder climbs
for the next few minutes until the action moved to the outside where Kane
started clearing the announce tables, including the Spanish table.

Kofi then dropkicked a ladder into Kane and smashed Mac with Trouble in
Paradise on the announce table. Suddenly, Kofi looked up and saw one of the
ladders ringside. The crowd popped as he looked around before climbing the
ladder and staring down at McIntyre on the table. Kofi then came off the top
of the ladder with a Boom Drop through the announce table, taking Drew
through the table. It was a relatively safe spot that looked crazy.
Meanwhile, back in the ring, Dolph Ziggler climbed the ladder and had the
case, but Big Show entered the ring and grabbed him off the ladder for a
chokeslam. Show and Kane then battled again until Christian and Hardy teamed
up to ram a ladder into Show. Show blocked a second double ladder attempt
and shoved them down to the mat. Show followed with a splash onto the
ladder, crunching Hardy and Christian's mid-sections.

At 13:00, Show was alone in the ring and he started clearing ladders out of
the ring. Show then slipped out of the ring again and went underneath
looking for the double reinforced big boy from Smackdown on Friday. Show
dragged the ladder out from underneath the ring, then he power-lifted it to
a standing position. Show then re-entered the ring and tried to get it into
the ring. Poor guy couldn't get it into the ring. The crowd popped for
Show's attempt as everyone else continued to sell death ringside,
apparently. Show then took the ladder through the middle rope and got a pop
after finally getting the ladder inside the ring. Show set up the giant
ladder in the ring, but he exerted all his energy getting the ladder into
the ring. Rhodes took advantage by popping Show from behind with a ladder.
He then scaled the giant ladder, but Ziggler caught him with an electric

They reset at 16:00 with no one on their feet in the ring or on the floor.
Show eventually came to his feet again and teased climbing the big ladder,
but Kingston came out of nowhere and springboarded onto the ladder. Show
tried to chokeslam Kofi off the ladder, but Kofi hit a DDT to take out Show
again. Kofi then tried to climb again, but Rhodes came off the top with a
leaping missile dropkick to take Kofi off the ladder. Nice false finish.
After that, Rhodes dropped Kofi with Cross Rhodes onto a ladder. Ziggler
then dropped Cody with the Zig-Zag into the ladder. They cut to a shot of
Hardy struggling to his feet ringside. Meanwhile, Show fought off Cody, then
Ziggler while limping on one leg. Show cleared the bodies from the ring,
then limped over to the big boy ladder.

At 20:00, Show slowly climbed rung by rung until Kane re-entered the ring
and shoved Show off the ladder, sending Show flying over the top rope to the
floor. The other wrestlers then dumped ladders on top of Show to bury him
ringside. Kane even chucked a ladder over the top rope onto Show. Hardy
piled on as well. Meanwhile, Mac is still still death ringside. Back in the
ring, multiple men started fighting around Big Show's ladder. Rhodes got a
hand on the briefcase, but Kane grabbed him by the ankle and uppercutted him
to the floor. Kane was alone, but Ziggler sprung into the ring and climbed
over Kane to the top of the ladder. Ziggler tried to grab the case, but Kane
blocked. Ziggler then hopped on Kane's back and slapped on the sleeperhold.
Kane fought it off, though, and knocked Ziggler off the ladder before
throwing him off the apron onto the pile of ladders covering Show.

Kane tried to climb with no one left in the ring, but Rhodes and Kofi yanked
Kane to the outside. Kane then grabbed Kofi for a chokeslam onto the pile of
ladders covering Show. Suddenly, Kane and Rhodes brawled near the stage
area. As expected, the Brinks truck came into play, with Kane sending Rhodes
face-first into the back door of the truck. Mac is still noticeably absent
here. Back in the ring, Hardy and Christian tried to climb, but Kane ran in
to block. H&C then powerbombed Kane off the big boy ladder. They started
climbing one side of the ladder and traded blows while standing on the
ladder. Hardy teased retrieving the ladder, but Christian blocked him. Each
man had two hands on the case, but then they knocked each other off the
ladder simultaneously. And, there's McIntyre resurfacing from the Boom Drop.

McIntyre slowly slid into the ring and started climbing the ladder as the
fans booed. Mac reached the top-half of the ladder, but Kane entered the
ring and climbed the ladder. Kane then shoved McIntyre off the ladder with a
mild chokeslam. Kane was alone on the ladder and the crowd popped as he
reached up, grabbed the case, and unhooked the case from the hook to win the
match. Kane let out a lot of emotion clutching the case and selling the
victory as a big deal. Kane now has one year to cash in the MITB briefcase.

WINNER: Kane at 26:18. Excellent MITB ladder match. Nice false finishes and
big moments while telling some good stories within the match. There's always
the "health concern" issue for these types of matches, which has to be
balanced with the entertainment value of the match. At least there weren't
any head shots using the ladders as weapons, which was a good thing. Now,
the rest of the PPV has a tall order living up to a thrilling, highspot-type
match, but with some good stories that engrossed the audience. (****)

Backstage: Josh Mathews brought in a contemplative WWE champ Sheamus.
Sheamus said his pride led him to believe he was untouchable before he ran
into Nexus on Monday's Raw. He said Nexus was like a great white shark. He
said he gets it now that Nexus is a threat to everyone, including himself.
On Monday, he chose a side. Mathews asked if he respects John Cena now.
Sheamus cut him off and said he sent a message to Nexus, while also sending
a message to Cena that he can beat him on his own. "I hate Cena," he said.
He looked into the camera and said Cena is his tonight.

2 -- Divas champion ALICIA FOX vs. EVE TORRES -- Divas Title match

It's apparent why there are two women's division title matches on this show
since WWE traditionally uses them as buffer matches on PPV. WWE needs a
buffer match after the opening MITB match, then they'll probably use the
Women's Title match as a buffer after the Raw MITB match. Eve and Alicia
collided early on, then traded nearfalls. Alicia knocked Eve to the outside,
where Eve landed a forearm smash before Alicia rammed her into the side of
the apron. Back in the ring, Alicia went to work on Eve. Eve then came back
with a sort of leaping kick to the face from the corner before going to the
second rope. She attempted a flip splash, but Alicia got her knees up to
block. Alicia then hit her scissors kick finisher for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Alicia Fox at 5:54 to retain the Divas Title. Fine title match.
Alicia continues to fit the role as the Raw brand's heel champion. It seems
to set up nicely for Melina to enter the picture as the next challenger.

Announcers: Cole, Striker, and Lawler narrated clips from the end of
Smackdown when Jack Swagger's dad was taken out by Kane and Swagger simply
watched from ringside. And, for the follow-up promo trying to explain the

Backstage: Swagger was on the phone talking to his "mom" about what happened
to pops on Friday. He asked his mom how he's doing right now. Swagger told
his mom to shut up and stop being so hysterical. He said it's not his fault
because dad is trying to live vicariously through him. Swagger then cut a
wrestler promo, leaving the "moment" of "being on the phone" with his mom.
Swagger vowed to snap Rey Mysterio's ankle tonight to win back the World
Hvt. Title. He told his mom he loves him and hung up.

In-ring: They showed the Money in the Bank Brinks truck on the stage, then
the Uso Brothers came out to challenge for the Unified tag titles. Hart
Dynasty came out next to defend the titles.

3 -- Unified tag champions HART DYNASTY (TYSON KIDD & D.H. SMITH w/Natalya)
vs. USO BROTHERS (JEY & JIMMY USO w/Tamina) -- Unified tag title match

Smith started things off for HD as Lawler suggested Smith needs a mean
streak as his missing ingredient. Striker drew attention to the Usos both
having the taped thumb gimmick and said they know it's a "tribute to a
fallen Samoan we all know and love." Apparently Umaga is getting the Chris
Benoit treatment. The Usos continued to work over Smith early on in the
match before Kidd tagged in. The Usos dropped Kidd with a double-team Samoan
Drop, but Kidd kicked out before three. Jey then attempted a flying splash
from the top rope, but Kidd got his knees up to block. Smith then hot-tagged
in and slapped on the Sharpshooter. Tamina hopped on the apron to distract
Smith, then Natalya yanked her off the apron and gave her a powerslam. Back
in the ring, Smith reapplied the Sharpshooter to force a tap-out for the

WINNERS: Hart Dynasty at 5:54 to retain the Unified tag titles. WWE has to
walk a fine line between using the past to get over the second-generation
stars, but not making it to where the audience would rather see the
original. HD needs to find a way to stand out more than just using the Hart
name, while WWE hasn't done enough with the Usos since they debuted a few
months ago and really had a stand-out introduction promo. The tag title
match was fine, but the biggest pop of the match was for Natalya dropping
Tamina with a bodyslam ringside. (*1/2)

Up next: World Hvt. Title match. Before going to the title match, they
recapped Rey Mysterio's World Title victory at last month's Fatal Four-Way
PPV. They went to the Smackdown follow-up storylines setting up Rey vs.
Swagger tonight.

In-ring: Jack Swagger came out first to challenge for the World Title. His
music stopped and he looked around the arena as they booed him for being a
coward on Smackdown. After a pause, Rey Mysterio hobbled out on stage
selling Swagger's recent work on Smackdown. Striker said Mysterio has a
"grade two tear" in his ankle. Lawler stacked the deck, saying this doesn't
look good for Rey tonight. Cole then plugged Summerslam in Los Angeles next
month when they're back on PPV. Rey eventually made it into the ring and
held up the World Title belt for the crowd. Tony Chimel handled the formal
ring intros for the title match. Swagger was, of course, booed. Mysterio had
a strong Midwest reaction.

4 -- World Hvt. champion REY MYSTERIO vs. JACK SWAGGER -- WWE World Hvt.
Title match

The bell sounded and Swagger tried to dive after Mysterio, but Rey danced
away to play a cat and mouse game. Swagger eventually locked up with Rey and
pushed him to the corner. Swagger teased an early anklelock, but Rey kicked
him away and landed a blow to the face. Swagger checked his face and tried
to charge Rey, who ducked under him. He attempted a springboard moonsault,
but Swagger caught him in mid-air and rammed him into the turnbuckle.
Swagger tried a charging shoulder tackle, but Rey did a sit-up to avoid
Swagger. Rey then attempted a top rope dive and dropped Swagger on the floor
with a big sentaun splash. Both men sold on the outside before returning to
the ring where Swagger came back with a big belly-to-belly throw.

Rey rolled to the outside for a breather, then Swagger followed out and
rammed him into the announce table. Swagger dragged Rey back into the ring
and made a cover for a two count. Swagger then slapped on a kneebar shoving
Rey's head into the mat for additional pressure. Rey kicked away with his
one free leg to escape. They tried a big spot off the ropes, but seemed to
both fall to the mat. The announcers sold it as not being pretty, but
effective for Swagger. Swagger and Rey made a nice recovery setting up for
Swagger's signature Vader Bomb spot, which got the crowd back in the action.
Rey avoided the move, then hit a seated sentaun. Swagger came right back
with a headbutt, though, until Rey whipped him across the ring into the
middle turnbuckle. Rey followed with a springboard moonsault for a close two
count, then Swagger came right back by blocking a wheelbarrow into a German
Suplex for a two count of his own.

At 7:00, Swagger teased the gutwrench powerbomb once before connecting with
it on the second attempt. Rey rolled to the edge of the ropes, though, and
Swagger made a cover, but Rey put his foot on the bottom rope to break the
pin. Rey recovered moments later, not selling the effects of the gutwrench,
and slingshot Swagger into the corner. Rey then tried a top rope move, but
Swagger blocked and hoisted Rey onto his shoulders. Swagger wanted a
spinning powerbomb, but Rey countered in mid-air with a top-rope DDT that
looked pretty impressive. Rey made a cover, but Swagger kicked out. Rey then
set up the 619 and he connected. Swagger staggered across the ring and Rey
tried the springboard splash, but Swagger countered with the anklelock. Rey
got the bottom rope to break, though. Swagger followed with a running Vader
Bomb, then he followed with a second Bomb. Swagger wasn't satisfied and
stared down at Mysterio. He then stomped on Rey's ankle and stood on the
ankle until the ref forced a break. Rey then pulled an Eddie Guerrero at
WrestleMania 20 vs. Kurt Angle by loosening the boot. Swagger tried the
anklelock again, but Rey's boot slipped off. Rey then followed with a
leaping huracanrana into a pin for the win.

WINNER: Mysterio at 10:45 to retain the World Hvt. Title. The finish of the
match pretty much confirmed WWE trying to turn Swagger into their version of
Kurt Angle. Swagger and Rey worked well together playing off the big man vs.
little man match-up. But, when the announcers have to constantly ask the
kayfabe question of how they're recovering from each other's offense, it
means there isn't long-term selling. There wasn't much of that here, which
took away from the overall quality of the match. But, the crowd was into the
story and Swagger got over his power offense and menacing heel persona.

Post-match: Swagger attacked Mysterio as he celebrated and pounded Rey with
forearms. Swagger then slapped on the anklelock and wrenched on Rey's ankle
as Rey tapped out repeatedly. Suddenly, Kane hit the ring, but sans
briefcase. Kane beat down Swagger and knocked him to the outside. Kane beat
up Swagger and took him to the back. They went back to Rey celebrating in
the ring as Striker noted Rey pulling a trick from Eddie Guerrero's
playbook. Suddenly, Kane's music hit. This time, Kane emerged with briefcase
in hand and referee Charles Robinson. The announcers were silent as Kane
slowly entered the ring. Kane held the case and handed it to the referee to
officially cash in the case.

5 -- World Hvt. champion REY MYSTERIO vs. KANE -- WWE World Hvt. Title match

Ref Robinson allowed Mysterio to collect himself before officially calling
for the bell. Rey tried to run around Kane, who eventually grabbed him by
the ankle and dropped him to the mat. Kane then dropped Mysterio with a
chokeslam center ring. The crowd was mixed with their reactions, then the
males came to life as Kane set up Mysterio and dropped him with the
Tombstone Piledriver. Kane then made the cover and he's the new World
champion. Striker loved the moment while Lawler said he doesn't like this.
Cole agreed with Striker before noting it being a long, long time since Kane
won a World Title. Kane then stood over Rey's body and hit the pyro before
leaving the ring.

WINNER: Kane at 0:54 to capture the World Hvt. Title. This sure seems to be
setting up Kane vs. The Undertaker at Summerslam if Taker is ready,
health-wise, for the title match. The male audience in the crowd was
pro-Kane as he cashed in on the babyface Mysterio, which was interesting.
Smackdown's storylines should be interesting going to Summerslam now. (n/a)

Backstage: Edge was shown watching Kane celebrating on a TV monitor. Chris
Jericho then walked up behind Edge and they exchanged words on the Raw
brand's MITB match.



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