Friday, June 10, 2011

[Peckers_Pics] Male/Gay Health-Discussion-PICS Muscle Wars-PICS-Health-News-Jun 11, 2011-Boycott Trump-NBC-TARGET

Muscle Wars-PICS-Health-News-Jun 11, 2011-
Boycott Trump-NBC-TARGET/Safe PICS For All Ages/
We Support Keith Olbermann. Keith begins his show "Countdown" on Current TV, June 20, 2011. Personally, I will watch every one his shows that I can! Keith is the best in the news business. He does not BS!  This is non-censured - Progressive Media that we need!

Alert: Target + Minnesota Forward + Tom Emmer = Support for a rather dangerous and radical political philosophy that diminishes LGBT people to pests that should be murdered. And "Target" is cool with this? in San Diego we peacefully canvassed customers near their stores. In return, TARGET is suing the LGBT community for voicing our right of FREE SPEECH! Now, Target lost in court! David beat Goliath! AWWW! Return everything you bought to TARGET and tell them why! ....Boycott TARGET!!!!!

Consider joining:

Diet & Fitness:

  • Reminder: Did you complete your Diet Journal today?
  • Did you do any physical activity? If not, make a point of it by tomorrow!
  • Perhaps our male fitness photos shall inspire you to get Fit!
Health - Wellness - Exercise - Reflections:
Why You Get Bit by Mosquitoes

-Andrew Katz - Men's Health - June 10, 2011

People go to great lengths to avoid the wrath of mosquitoes each summer. But what if you could get them to avoid you?

Researchers at the University of California, Riverside may be close to finding a repellent that affects the bugs' sensory systems so much that they'll actually stay away from your skin.

Mosquitoes pick their victims by sniffing out the carbon dioxide that we exhale through our breath, skin, and sweat. In a new study published in Nature, entomologists identified odor molecules and divided them into three classes based on how they affected the bugs.

The researchers found more than a dozen simple odors that either mimicked carbon dioxide and could be used as decoys for traps; affected the sensors near the mosquitoes' mouths and distorted what they smelled; or disarmed those receptors for several minutes, according to study author Anandasankar Ray, Ph.D., an assistant professor of entomology at UC Riverside.

The study could lead scientists to develop repellents that are more environmentally friendly, cost-effective and safe for people. "Understanding the way that [mosquitoes] smell carbon dioxide might lead to a possible way to block their ability to do that," says Ned Walker, a professor of microbiology and molecular genetics at Michigan State University.

But how come you always get bitten and your buddy doesn't?

Ray says different mosquitoes are active at different times of day, so there's no one protection for every person against every mosquito--yet. Walker adds that mosquitoes have quite a bit of specificity: One species may be more attracted to beer drinkers or dark-colored clothing, and another might fly faster toward people with hotter body temperatures. Some may even pick up on your foot odor as a cue to bite.

Your best defense against mosquitoes is a good store-bought repellent, like DEET--just as long as you follow the instructions on the label. But here's another tip: Don't wear your gym clothes more than once without washing them.

"Once they get sweaty, those odors are latent in there," Walker says. "A lot of guys keep their gym bag in a locker all week, but that's not a good idea, since mosquitoes are attracted to these odors."

A quick wash after each use does the body good. But if you do get bitten this summer, learn how to save your skin.
Take Action:
  • Boycott advertisers of Glenn Beck's radio show and his quest spots on Fox News. Glenn Beck is anti-gay rights. Update: Boycott Successful: Update 4/7/2011: Beck has been fired by FOX NEWS! Radio stations dropping Beck as well in several locations. Now, tell FOX to stop having Beck as a Guest.
  • Update: DADT has been repealed. President Obama has kept his promise!
  • Boycott Bill O'Reilly and FOX News and their advertisers. Bill discussed a French commercial by McDonalds that was meant to show that McDonalds is Gay Friendly. Bill said what is next? Is McDonalds going to be Al-Qaida friendly as well? Imagine - Bill O'Reilly compares Gays to Al-Qaida!
  • Boycott Arizona the home of "hater" - U.S. Senator John McCain. Arizona's Hateful anti-Immigration Law - encourages racial profiling and increases hatred towards minorities. A remedy: Demand Republicans to support Immigration Reform (The Dream Act). Further, Senator McCain voted against ending DADT and Blocked Immigration reform!
  • Boycott Target, Best Buy, Gold's Gym - for donating money towards anti-gay political candidates/organizations. Update: (12/26/2010): Target is continuing to donate to anti-gay groups/causes/politicians. Update 03/08/11 - Lady Gaga Ends Target Partnership, Reportedly Over Target's Poor LGBT Stance. Update 3/25/2010 - Target displays their hypocrisy and Sues California Gay Rights Group for Lobbying Outside Stores. Target is attempting to block the LGBT right of free speech! STOP SHOPPING AT TARGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update 4/8/2011: Target lost it's case to stop the LGBT from canvassing in front of their stores. A huge PR Disaster for TARGET! Perhaps Target should go out of business as they betrayed their investers and customer base. Target contributed massive funds to a politician who would like to exterminate gays. Now, Target can not stop us from Boycotting them, nor picketing, nor talking to customers near their stores; although, Target allows a anti-gay company such as the Salvation Army to stand outside their door and speak with customers and raise money. Isn't this a double standard?
  • End DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). Prevents Federal employees and Gays in the Military from gaining equal benefits. Prevents Gay Partners from gaining equal benefits.
  • Pass ENDA (Employee Non-Discrimination Act). ENDA would prevent employment discrimination of LGBT workforce.
  • Boycott Salvation Army as they will not hire Gays! "DO NOT DONATE TO THEM."
  • BOYCOTT "Chick-fil-a" for donating to anti-gay marriage groups.
  • BOYCOTT KOCH INDUSTRIES PRODUCTS- to include their products: Angel Soft toilet paper / Brawny paper towels / Dixie plates, bowls, napkins & cups / Mardi Gras napkins and towels / Quilted Northern toilet paper / Soft 'n Gentle toilet paper / Sparkle napkins / Vanity fair napkins / Zee napkins / Georgia-Pacific paper products & envelopes / All Georgia-Pacific lumber & building products (INVISTA Products) / Lycra / Stainmaster Carpet. The billionaire - Koch brothers are ultra republican - tea bag founders/supporters that do not support causes of the LGBT community.
  • Boycott WALMART - The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, force criticized Wal-Mart for denying employee benefits to same-s-x partners and for failing to prohibit discrimination based on gender identity. By comparison, the group said two other chain stores with a strong presence in New York, Costco and Walgreens, did much better.
  • Remember David Kato, Gay activist - Uganda, who was slain because he is gay!
  • NEW: "Tune Out Trump", Boycott all Trump Hotel, casinos, holdings, The Apprentice and NBC Network! At CPAC, Trump said he is considering a run for president as a Republican. In a interview with the Des Moines Register, Trump added that he opposes all forms of legal recognition for gay couples, not just marriage. "They should not be able to marry," he said. So why does NBC keep the Apprentice when Donald Trump has stated he may run for president? After making racist remarks about Obama and recv'g public backlash, Trump decided not to run for president after NBC renewed his awful TV Show. How can NBC re-new the clown's show after he pulled such hateful shenanigans? Boycott NBC! Boycott advertisers of The Apprentice and Trump's other business's. Don't shop at any bullding with Donald Trump's name to include Trump Hotels, Casinos, Condo's, Offices, Shops! The Donald has expressed extreme Hatred towards gays and blacks with his birther remarks and anti-gay rhetoric. Remember how poorly Trump treated Rosie O'Donnel? Now we know why he did that! It was hate against a lesbian as we now know he is biget. Unforgiveable! Again, Dump NBC because they air/re-newed Donald Trump's "The Apprentice"! Now the Donald Claims the Long Form Birth certificate is a fraud. And NBC keeps this guy?
And Now, Our War of the Fittest!
This group is called "Peckers Pics." The English - slang definition of "pecker" is to pluck at the truth. Therefore, we peck at items such as Gay Men's Health, Male Fitness, Gay (LGBT) Politics & Issues. In this section you may peck at each photo in order to decide the winner of the "war of the fittest!" Whereas, you should select the guy that may inspire you to exercise and "get fit!" Warning: This may stoke you!
Your participation in discussion of health / news articles - appearing in this message is greatly appreciated.
Kraig Fieldman
Jay V., 26
Dylan Bruce
Eddie Cibrian
Tomas Mach
Tanner Parkes
The Derby; 04 Jun 2011; Tattenham Corner, Epsom, UK
Greg Plitt
Pete Kuzak
Garret Amerine
Daniel Sobieray
Ben Richards
Brandon Larcom
Renato Ferreira
You Decide!
Tel Aviv Pride, June 10, 2011; Israel
Tel Aviv Pride Parade, June 10, 2011; Israel
Israel holds annual gay pride parade
TEL AVIV, Israel, June 10 (UPI) -- Israeli politicians Friday addressed the annual gay pride parade in Tel Aviv as the street party with tens of thousands of participants got under way.

Tzipi Livni, head of the opposition Kadima Party, told the crowd all people have the right to be who they want to be and the issue does not need to be a political issue dominated by the left, The Jerusalem Post reported.

It is the responsibility of the government and of all politicians to protect the rights of all people, she said, quoting Israel's Declaration of Independence.

Nitzan Horowitz, a member of the Knesset from the Meretz Party, told the crowd assembled in Gan Meir that as a gay man, being at an event like the gay pride parade could only have been a dream when he was a teenager.

"We will expand the struggle so that anybody who wants to live his or her life on their own path can do that without fear of being cursed or hit in the street, without fearing being thrown out of their home, and with the fear of being harassed at work," he said.

More than 5,000 overseas tourists were expected to arrive and join in the celebrations, said Shai Doitsh, "Tel Aviv Gay Vibe" manager and national board member of the LGBT Aguda.
Tens of thousands celebrate Gay Pride in Tel Aviv

The march, which was organised under the slogan: "It's good to be gay -- marching for social equality," kicked off under a blazing midday sun and wound its way to the seafront where organisers had put on a party featuring international DJs.

A festive atmosphere engulfed the city as bare-chested revellers danced through the streets waving the rainbow colours of the international pride movement as well as Israeli flags.

Many of those on standing on the floats were wearing elaborate or outlandish costumes, while others opted simply for hotpants and flower garlands as they gyrated to the thudding beat.

One float sporting slightly more conservatively-dressed revellers was that representing Jewish religious groups, with the women wearing long skirts as they waved to the crowds, an AFP correspondent said.

"I am religious and gay and a mother and a wife and a lesbian -- that is what I am," 34-year-old Zehorit Sorek told AFP.

"Religion can be very tolerant but it is society which doesn't accept me," she said.

The Tel Aviv city council put the turnout at more than 70,000, although police said just over 30,000 people had turned out for the event.

"There are just over 30,000 people but there have been no security incidents so far," said police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, who said there were hundreds of police and border police volunteers on hand to secure the event.

Among those participating in the celebrations were more than 5,000 tourists including visitors from Holland, France, Britain, Russia and the United States, organisers said.

Tel Aviv has been hosting the annual parade for the past decade with relatively few objections from the country's religious community, unlike similar events in Jerusalem which saw violence and even one stabbing.

Israel is widely seen as having liberal gay rights policies, despite the hostility shown towards homosexuals, particularly men, from the ultra-orthodox Jewish community.

Israel repealed a ban on consensual same-sex sexual acts in 1988.

Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges."
Important Notice: Our ObamaBiden2008 Group works hand - in - hand with Peckers PICS (Both groups were co-created to work with each-other). To prevent duplication of articles and questions, all members of this group are expected to join ObamaBiden2008. It is unfair for members that belong to both groups to hear members of just Peckers PICS (only) to make statements when the ObamaBiden2008 has covered such topics in detail. Therefore, members need to join ObamaBiden2008 immediately. This shall clear up communications and confusion. The LGBT cause is too important and beyond 1 person's need to just look at pictures. Therefore, please join ObamaBiden2008 now. No you don't have to read every article! But, it covers the LGBT community and includes updates on Health insurance; LGBT boycott list; Westboro Church; and the end of DADT, etc...Also, updates with the multi - state gov't's war against unions and people with disabilities. The group is created for you! There are gay teen suicides going on. There are Hate crimes against gay people. There are gays who are fired over their sexual identity. There are gay people who died for our cause! You always reserve the right to remove yourself from all my groups if you do not appreciate this request. I have done everything I can and now it is time for you to step up! My Groups are for Yahoo members who sincerely care about LGBT rights and Gay Mens Health! Please Join Now!



All members of "Peckers PICS" are requested to join our "Obama Biden 2008" group as it runs in conjunction to this group.  Both groups shall not repeat articles from one group to another.  However, to gain full knowledge of Gay rights, members must belong to the Obama group as well as this group.  Therefore, please accept your invitation to join. 

To join the Obama group please click (or copy and paste the link into your browser) @

Thank you!

"Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges."

...Jake (Moderator)

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