Friday, September 16, 2011

[Peckers_Pics] Male/Gay Health-Discussion-PICS Model Wars-Sep 17, 2011- Save Troy Davis -innocent black man from execution (GA)

Model Wars-PICS-Health-News-Sep 17, 2011-
"NO" Religious Discussion / Safe PICS For All Ages /
Boycott Trump-TARGET-FOX NEWS/Murdoch-Salvation Army
Support Keith Olbermann's show "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" - new on "CURRENT TV" (air's nightly @ 8 PM EST (Mon - Fri). About time - as we need progressive un-censored news with no corrupted reporting! Replays at 11 PM Eastern and 2 AM Eastern.

Alert: Target + Minnesota Forward + Tom Emmer = Support for a rather dangerous and radical political philosophy that diminishes LGBT people to pests that should be murdered. And "Target" is cool with this? ...Now Target is suing the LGBT community for their peaceful demonstrations in front of their stores. ....Our answer: BOYCOTT "TARGET"

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  • Did you do any physical activity? If not, make a point of it by tomorrow!
  • Perhaps our male fitness photos shall inspire you to get Fit!
Health - Wellness - Exercise - Reflections:
Ron Paul's heartless stance on health care

By Kevin Naff on September 16, 2011  - Blade

Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul apparently learned nothing from the death of his 2008 campaign chairman, a gay man named Kent Snyder.
Snyder, 49, died of pneumonia in 2008. He was uninsured and left about $400,000 in unpaid medical bills to his surviving mother. Paul was criticized at the time for failing to offer his campaign staffers medical insurance. The Blade covered the story extensively back then and interviewed Paul about it. His lame defense was that no campaign offered health insurance, a false claim — Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain's campaigns all offered health insurance to staff.
At last week's Tea Party debate, CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked Paul what should happen to an uninsured 30-year-old man who needed six months of hospitalization.
"In a society that you accept socialism and welfarism, he expects the government to take care of him … he should assume responsibility for himself," came Paul's heartless response.
Blitzer replied, "Are you saying society should just let him die?"
In response, the bloodthirsty, unsympathetic crowd yelled, "Yeah!"
You'd think that the death of a trusted campaign aide -- who Paul said was instrumental in helping him decide to run in 2008 -- would prompt some soul-searching and deeper thinking about the state of America's health care system. But obviously that's not the case for Paul, who happens to be a medical doctor.

The full 2008 Blade story is re-posted below:

Ron Paul supporters mourn death of gay campaign chair
With no health insurance, Snyder leaves $400K in hospital bills
Activists belonging to the libertarian wing of the Republican Party continue to mourn the loss of Kent Snyder, a 49-year-old gay political operative credited with propelling the presidential campaign of U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) into a national, grassroots movement that raised more than $35 million.
Snyder, who served as Paul's campaign chair, died of pneumonia on June 26 after being hospitalized for about two months and after running up medical bills exceeding $400,000, according to friends and family members, who said he did not have health insurance.
Gay staffers from the Paul campaign, some speaking on condition that they not be identified, said they learned about Snyder's unpaid medical bills from a web site created by his friends that calls on Paul supporters to contribute to a special fund to help Snyder's family pay the bills, which come mostly from a two-month hospitalization. So far, the site ( has raised about $32,000.
"I can't believe he didn't have health insurance," said one political activist who read about Snyder's unpaid medical bills in a story published last month in the Wall Street Journal. "I can't believe that Ron Paul didn't give him health insurance," said the activist, who asked not to be identified.
The Journal story did not identify Snyder as gay; a Washington Post obituary reported Snyder died of viral pneumonia but did not mention his sexual orientation.
Craig Max, a D.C. gay Republican activist who sought to become a Ron Paul delegate to the Republican National Convention, said news of Snyder's death and his lack of health insurance has triggered a behind-the-scenes debate among Paul supporters and libertarian activists over whether or not the Paul campaign should have provided health insurance to its staff.
Among the points raised, according to Max and others involved in the Paul campaign, is the fact that Paul is a practicing physician. Some of the Paul supporters are asking why a medical doctor, whose campaign raised $35 million in contributions, chose not to offer health insurance for his staff.
When asked at the Capitol in Washington on Wednesday about concerns raised by critics that his presidential campaign did not provide employee health insurance, Paul said only that he doesn't believe any political campaigns offer health insurance.
"I don't know of any campaign that has health insurance for temporary and other employees," he said. "I've never had it and I've been in this business for 30 years. I don't know any campaign that does."
At least three gay Paul supporters said it was well known among Paul campaign insiders that Snyder was gay. Although Snyder shunned the public spotlight, activists and political operatives working on the campaigns of rival GOP presidential candidates, including officials with the McCain campaign, recognized Snyder's efforts in building a major campaign operation for Paul, Paul's gay supporters said.
"As far as his being out, I don't think that he was ever in or anything like that," said Jesse Benton, who served as communications director for the Paul presidential campaign. "But his romantic life was just not something that was discussed. He was the boss and that was that."

Benton said Snyder confided in him that he had a chronic blood disorder. He said that Snyder told him the name of the disorder but Benton said he does not remember it.
"To my knowledge, Kent did not have HIV," Benton said. "He expressed to me a couple of times what his blood disorder was, but I believe [the HIV speculation] to just be a rumor."
Benton said it was Snyder himself who made the decision not to provide health insurance to the campaign staff.
"Kent Snyder as the chairman of the campaign ran the business operation," Benton said. "So it was his decision as to what would be offered to employees."
Benton said Snyder's decision was not unusual in the realm of political campaigns.
"As a general practice, virtually no political campaigns offer health insurance," Benton said. "It's just not done. A campaign is a temporary organization that could disband at any minute."
But gay Democratic activist and political consultant Steve Elmendorf disputes Benton's assessment, saying that in recent years, a growing number of campaigns have begun providing health insurance to paid staffers, with the campaigns of Democratic candidates offering medical coverage in greater numbers than Republican candidates.
Jordan Lieberman, publisher of Campaigns and Elections' Politics Magazine, which is considered an authority on American political campaigns, said that in the recent past, health insurance was almost never offered by campaigns operated by either Republicans or Democrats. Now, Lieberman said, the trend among larger campaigns, especially presidential campaigns, is to offer health insurance benefits.
Spokespersons for the presidential campaigns of Barack Obama and John McCain said both campaigns provide full health insurance coverage to their paid staff. A spokesperson for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign said Clinton also provided health insurance coverage to campaign staffers before she ended her campaign in early June.
On his own web site, Paul called Snyder's death a "great loss" to the libertarian movement.
"Kent poured every ounce of his being into our fight for freedom," Paul said. "He will always hold a place in my heart and in the hearts of my family. We deeply mourn his loss."
Paul praised Snyder for playing a key role in advancing libertarian causes and noted that Snyder began his association with him in 1987, when he worked on Paul's first run for president.
"Over the next 20 years, we worked together on countless projects in the name of freedom," Paul said. "It was Kent, more than anyone else, who urged me to run again for president" in 2008.
Gay libertarian activists have praised Paul for his longstanding views calling for all Americans to be free from government intrusion into their private lives through laws and regulations. Paul voted against a proposed U.S. constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.
But according to a scorecard on the voting records of members of Congress on gay-related issues, Paul voted against the interests of gays on all issues other than the marriage amendment. In the Human Rights Campaign scorecard for the 109th Congress (2005-2006), the latest scorecard that the group has issued, Paul received a score of 38 on a scale from 0 to 100. According to HRC, Paul received a score of 25 for the 108th Congress (2003-2004) and a 0 in the 107th Congress (2000-2002).
Similar to most libertarians, Paul opposed bills like the Employment Non- Discrimination Act, or ENDA, which would ban employment discrimination based on sexual orientation, and a hate crimes bill, which would authorize the federal government to prosecute anti-gay hate crimes, on grounds that such legislation improperly expands government powers.
Liberal blogger Rob Kall, in a July 5 posting on, called Kent Snyder's death and his unpaid medical bills an ironic twist to Snyder's libertarian philosophy.
"What a testament to the libertarian creed, which abhors the idea of universal health care," Kall wrote. "This loyal, passionate man who died too young left his family a debt of $400,000 in medical bills," he said. "Sadly, the libertarian heart apparently does not include health care."
Benton and others who knew Snyder said he gave up a lucrative career as a telecommunications industry executive to work for one of Paul's libertarian organizations before becoming the head of the Paul for president campaign. Benton said Snyder's friends and associates from the campaign are now especially concerned that Snyder's unpaid medical bills could adversely impact Snyder's mother.
"I do know that Kent was an extremely proud man and he was basically financially supporting his mother and allowing her to live in a property he owned," Benton said. "As someone who respected him very much -- he had a lot of people who respected him a lot -- we all know that he would turn over in his grave if his mother has to leave that property.
"So it was important for us to do what we could," Benton said. "And I'm not a wealthy man but I made a small contribution, Dr. Paul has made a personal contribution, and a lot of the campaign staff have given what they could," he said, referring to the special fund to help pay off Snyder's medical bills.
Take Action:
  • Update: DADT has been repealed. President Obama has kept his promise!
  • Boycott Bill O'Reilly and FOX News and their advertisers. Bill discussed a French commercial by McDonalds that was meant to show that McDonalds is Gay Friendly. Bill said what is next? Is McDonalds going to be Al-Qaida friendly as well? Imagine - Bill O'Reilly compares Gays to Al-Qaida! In conclusion, O'Reilly expressed out-right Hatrad of the LGBT Community.
  • Boycott Arizona the home of "hater" - U.S. Senator John McCain. Arizona's Hateful anti-Immigration Law - encourages racial profiling and increases hatred towards minorities. A remedy: Demand Republicans to support Immigration Reform (The Dream Act). Further, Senator McCain voted against ending DADT and Blocked Immigration reform!
  • Boycott Target, Best Buy, Gold's Gym - for donating money towards anti-gay political candidates/organizations. Update: (12/26/2010): Target is continuing to donate to anti-gay groups/causes/politicians. Update 03/08/11 - Lady Gaga Ends Target Partnership, Reportedly Over Target's Poor LGBT Stance. Update 3/25/2010 - Target displays their hypocrisy and Sues California Gay Rights Group for Lobbying Outside Stores. Target is attempting to block the LGBT right of free speech! STOP SHOPPING AT TARGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Update 4/8/2011: Target lost its case to stop the LGBT from canvassing in front of their stores. A huge PR Disaster for TARGET! Perhaps Target should go out of business as they betrayed their investers and customers. Target contributed massive funds to a politician who would like to exterminate gays. Now, Target can not stop us from Boycotting them, nor picketing, nor talking to customers near their stores; although, Target allows a anti-gay company such as the Salvation Army to stand outside their door and speak with customers and raise money. Isn't this a double standard? Perhaps TARGET would better understand the issue if they cared about David Kato - Uganda, who was slain because he is gay! That is because Uganda wants to kill gay people. Again, TARGET invested in a political candidate that would Kill the Gays!
  • End DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). Prevents Federal employees and Gays in the Military from gaining equal benefits. Prevents Gay Partners from gaining equal benefits.
  • Pass ENDA (Employee Non-Discrimination Act). ENDA would prevent employment discrimination of LGBT workforce.
  • Boycott Salvation Army as they will not hire Gays! "DO NOT DONATE TO THEM."
  • BOYCOTT "Chick-fil-a" for donating over 1 mIllion dollars to anti-gay marriage groups + serious history of employment discrimination of LGBT community.
  • BOYCOTT KOCH INDUSTRIES PRODUCTS- to include their products: Angel Soft toilet paper / Brawny paper towels / Dixie plates, bowls, napkins & cups / Mardi Gras napkins and towels / Quilted Northern toilet paper / Soft 'n Gentle toilet paper / Sparkle napkins / Vanity fair napkins / Zee napkins / Georgia-Pacific paper products & envelopes / All Georgia-Pacific lumber & building products (INVISTA Products) / Lycra / Stainmaster Carpet. The billionaire - Koch brothers are ultra republican - tea bag founders/supporters that do not support causes of the LGBT community.
  • Boycott WALMART - The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, force criticized Wal-Mart for denying employee benefits to same-s-x partners and for failing to prohibit discrimination based on gender identity. By comparison, the group said two other chain stores with a strong presence in New York, Costco and Walgreens, did much better.
  • NEW: "Tune Out Trump", Boycott all Trump Hotel, casinos, holdings, The Apprentice and NBC Network! At CPAC, Trump said he is considering a run for president as a Republican. In a interview with the Des Moines Register, Trump added that he opposes all forms of legal recognition for gay couples, not just marriage. "They should not be able to marry," he said. So why does NBC keep the Apprentice when Donald Trump has stated he may run for president? After making racist remarks about Obama and recv'g public backlash, Trump decided not to run for president after NBC renewed his awful TV Show. How can NBC renew the clown's show after he pulled all such low-class shenanigans? Boycott NBC! Boycott advertisers of The Apprentice and Trump's other business's. Don't shop at any bullding with Donald Trump's name to include Trump Hotels, Casinos, Condo's, Offices, Shops! The Donald has expressed extreme Hatred towards gays and blacks with his birther remarks and anti-gay rhetoric. Remember how poorly Trump treated Rosie O'Donnel? Now we know why he did that! It was hate against a lesbian as we now know he is biget. Unforgiveable! Dump NBC because they re-newed Donald Trump's "The Apprentice"! NBC, Really? Update June 1, 2011: Trump now claims that Obama's long form, original birth certificate is fake. And NBC keeps this hater? NBC, You Kidding Us?

And Now, Model Wars!

This group is called "Peckers Pics." The English - slang definition of "pecker" is to pluck at the truth. Therefore, we peck at items such as Gay Men's Health, Male Fitness, Gay (LGBT) Politics & Issues. In this section you may peck at each photo in order to decide the winner of the "war of the fittest!" Whereas, who is the model that may inspire you to exercise and "get fit?" Warning: This may stoke you!

Your participation in discussion of health / news articles - appearing in this message is greatly appreciated.
Marlon Teixeira
You Decide!
Toulouse Pride, France; June 18, 2011
Toulouse Pride, France; June 18, 2011
The 'Ex-Gay' Myth: In demise, yet still a danger
By Wayne Besen - LGBTQNation - September 16, 2011

In the past two years, there has been an epidemic of eight suicides in Minnesota's Anoka-Hennepin school district. Anti-gay bullying may have played a role in half of the suicides.

The school district is being sued for not stopping anti-gay bullying, which many people feel is a result of its notorious "gag rule" forbidding the discussion of homosexuality. Critics of the rule say that some teachers fail to stop bullying because they are afraid of violating this insidious policy, which officially renders LGBT students invisible.

In July, Truth Wins Out went undercover and found that Marcus Bachmann, husband of presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann, had a clinic that practiced "reparative therapy," designed to turn gay people into heterosexuals. So, it is no surprise that these school suicides have occurred in Bachmann's congressional district.

Bachmann is not directly responsible for the carnage and some of the tragic deaths might be blamed on a suicide contagion. However, her war against LGBT people and her family's promotion of the "ex-gay" myth surely must have helped create an intolerant climate where LGBT youth are routinely bullied in school.

A New York Times article this week quoted the website of the Minnesota Policy Council, a Bachmann ally and key organization that seems to support continued bullying in schools: "When a child has been deliberately misinformed about the causes of homosexuality and told that homosexual acts are normal and natural, all hope for recovery is taken away."

Another key proponent of "ex-gay" therapy is a former Minnesota teacher named Janet Boynes whose ministry is less than ten miles away from where the suicides are occurring. Her book, Called Out: A Former Lesbians Discovery of Freedom, was endorsed by Marcus Bachmann and sold in his clinic. Boynes believes that LGBT activists "recruit" children and that LGBT lives are full of "emptiness."
"For those reading this book who may be considering the homosexual lifestyle, let me tell you the truth: It isn't fun. It isn't glamorous. It isn't trendy. It doesn't fill the emptiness inside. It doesn't help you find your identity. It doesn't give you peace -- and it never, ever will," Boynes wrote in her book.

Boynes runs the 'Ex-Gay Educators Caucus with Cottage Grove, Minnesota resident Susan Halvorson. The "Ex-Gay" Educators Caucus is a politicized anti-gay front group that hosts a booth each year at the National Education Association's annual meeting. The goal of this campaign is to promote the notion that "people deserve to hear all the facts so they can make their own decisions [on sexual conversion]" and to let students know that "for those who truly want change, change is possible."

Contributing to the anti-gay atmosphere is former Christian metal rocker Bradlee Dean who is now a talk radio show host and leads Annandale, Minnesota-based You Can Run But You Cannot Hide Ministry. In May 2010, Dean praised Sharia law as being "more moral" than American Christianity because of its harsh penalties against homosexuality.

At the 2010 Awakening conference at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia, I personally heard Dean and his minions brag that their ministry had spoken at hundreds of public schools in Minnesota. If this is true it is beyond scandalous and might help explain the dire situation.

Fortunately, at the national level "ex-gay" ministries and their homophobic sponsors are losing steam. This past weekend, I joined 70 protesters outside Sugar Creek Baptist Church to demonstrate against the "ex-gay" Love Won Out conference, a quarterly road show hosted by Exodus International. The seminar featured Exodus President Alan Chambers who invented an entirely new sexual orientation: "The opposite of homosexuality is holysexuality," he claimed. (Is that sex with a doughnut?)

With Exodus devolving into such idiocy in recent years, it is no surprise that only 450 people attended this conference in a conservative suburb of America's fourth largest city. This is a precipitous fall from the heyday of Love Won Out, where attendance was often double the size of the Houston event.

In Memphis, Exodus' flagship "ex-gay" ministry, Love in Action, dropped its infamous residential program, which once made headlines for forcing youth to attend against their will. A new film by Morgan Jon Fox, This is What Love in Action Looks Like, does a terrific job of telling this horrific story.

Meanwhile, a Polish university canceled an "ex-gay" seminar last week by Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, the co-founder of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), after the newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza rightfully criticized the quack-fest.

Most encouraging, an August poll by the Washington-based Public Religion Research Institute found that nearly half (44 percent) of young evangelicals between the ages of 18-29 favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry. This might explain the noticeable exodus from Exodus conferences in recent years.

The heartbreaking situation in Minnesota, however, shows that even as these groups decline, they can still be quite deadly. This is why I am teaming up with Join the Impact Massachusetts to protest an Exodus conference in Auburn, New Hampshire on Saturday. If you are in the area, I hope you will join us from 8-11 AM. (45 Myles Drive)
Important Notice: Our ObamaBiden2008 Group works hand - in - hand with Peckers PICS (Both groups were co-created to work with each-other). To prevent duplication of articles and questions, all members of this group are expected to join ObamaBiden2008. It is unfair for members that belong to both groups to hear members of just Peckers PICS (only) to make statements when the ObamaBiden2008 has covered such topics in detail. Therefore, members need to join ObamaBiden2008 immediately. This shall clear up communications and confusion. The LGBT cause is too important and beyond 1 person's need to just look at pictures. Therefore, please join ObamaBiden2008 now. No you don't have to read every article! But, it covers the LGBT community and includes updates on Health insurance; LGBT boycott list; Westboro Church; and the end of DADT, etc...Also, updates with the multi - state gov't's war against unions and people with disabilities. The group is created for you! There are gay teen suicides going on. There are Hate crimes against gay people. There are gays who are fired over their sexual identity. There are gay people who died for our cause! You always reserve the right to remove yourself from all my groups if you do not appreciate this request. I have done everything I can and now it is time for you to step up! My Groups are for Yahoo members who sincerely care about LGBT rights and Gay Mens Health! Please Join Now!


All members of "Peckers PICS" are requested to join our "Obama Biden 2008" group as it runs in conjunction to this group.  Both groups shall not repeat articles from one group to another.  However, to gain full knowledge of Gay rights, members must belong to the Obama group as well as this group.  Therefore, please accept your invitation to join. 

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Thank you!

"Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges."

...Jake (Moderator)

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